Carrd of:

Who YOu, WHo Am I?
-Dazzling Light
I Am...
I go by Rikki, I'm from DK and I'm a libra, 2001-liner, and INFJ.
Non-binary They/SheBesides doing ATEEZ theories, I also do fashion, writing, drawing, and whatever feeds my dopamine cravings.
I also like f1, Marvel and much more.I have ADHD, and while I can try and "better" some things about it, I can't fix it all, so I hope you’ll check what I’ve written about it c:
will you be my friend?
-Pirate King
I’m a multistan, but Ateez is my ult.
ATEEZ Biases: Mingi, Hong and Yeo.I try my best not to hurt anyone, so if I do, let me know.
I hate losing friends because I accidentally or unconsciously hurt them, it’s happened before and I wanna avoid it happening again.I speak openly about my mental struggles and if it’s triggering, let me know and I’ll put a warning.DNF If you're ableist, homophobic, transphobic, racist etc. Please leave. If you can’t respect other groups and have to disrespect them and their fans, please leave too because that’s immature. We all want what’s best for our faves but some lines shouldn’t be crossed.I'm a rather loyal friend and forgiving but not to these types of things, especially if you hurt my friends or mock mental illness.There are certain things I will fight about with passion.
My love is only for you
-The Letter
Ciri, Ari, Mia, Haze, Tai, Nadine Leafy, Mira, Hera, Faye, Wiktoria, Himani, syou_atz, Steph, Rey, Lia, Daria, Rita, Karles, Kami, Maary, Nina, Aria, Flynn, Carrie, Aylin, mingkiwav, Leen, Lau, Leaf, Lys
I hope to Be myself
So I deal with lots of stuff bc ADHD.For me it's mostly, Rejection sensitivity, and emotional dysregulation, hyperfixations. I try my best to keep it offline, but it doesn't always go that way.Rejection sensitivity is fear of being rejected or that everyone hates you. It’s also texting something and the gc doesn’t respond, feeling “Oh god they hate me now” a lot.
A lot of anxiety and easily feeling abandoned, and therefore needing lots of reassurance. Lots of trust issues but still being naive.Emotional dysregulation is
Just not being able to regulate your emotions to fit the situation. “Overreacting” and feeling too much? Your emotions take over and even though you feel like it’s the right response because it’s just natural to you, it’s not. Usually, stepping away from the situation and going back to it later works because our emotions get to calm down, but sometimes we don’t realize it’s happening until it’s too late.
I try my best to keep the blow-outs offline, or wait with responding until I’ve processed everything, to avoid accidentally, unintentionally hurting others in my blindness, but if it ever happens, I’m sorrySometimes I forget objects or that even people exist. So that means I can forget you exist for a moment, and certain emotions too. Like if I lost someone, and forget it, I don’t feel grief but then when I remember them I feel grief? I tend forget to text or interact with you sometimes, not because I dislike you, I just forget you exist accidentally.I often have imposter syndrome and sometimes the opposite, in which I can sound braggy or narcissistic and this is one of the things I’m trying to keep down as much as I can.
I also get easily influenced to some extent. Like getting hype Bc the song is hype, sad Bc song is sad, but with people too. Like group mentality I guess? Again, it’s weird.